Escrow Associates of San Gabriel Valley

2025 President Theme: "Crafting for a Brighter Tomorrow"

EASGV was formed in 1954 and was chartered as a regional association of the California Escrow Association in 1957. CEA is a statewide organization of professional escrow practitioners. The vision of the California Escrow Association is to both lead and support the escrow settlement services and real estate and financial industries through our commitment to the professional and personal growth of the escrow practitioner. The California Escrow Association was founded in 1956 and represents thousands of escrow officers and those individuals who support the escrow industry. The organization is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards in escrow through continuing education and legislative advocacy.

Join EASGV on Sunday, November 4, 2018 for the Walk for Hope at City of Hope

TO GET STARTED: Click the link: COH Walk 4 Hope 2018

The instructions are very similar for donating, creating a team or joining a team.

To DONATE to one of our Teams: Click Donate

Day of Event Information

We're looking forward to seeing you at Walk for Hope Los Angeles!

Date: November 4, 2018
Location: City of Hope Main Campus

7:00 a.m. - Registration and Expo opens 
8:30 a.m. - Opening Ceremony 
9:00 a.m. – 2K/5K Walks begin

New for this year! There are no registration fees; however, we encourage all of our walkers to raise at least $100 to receive the official 2018 Walk for Hope T-shirt and become a Hero for Hope. Fundraise $1,000 or more to become a Champion for Hope and receive day of event campus parking. Walk participants can earn additional fundraising incentives. Please visit our Incentives Page for more information.

Free parking at Santa Anita Park
Shuttle buses will be provided to and from City of Hope beginning at 6 a.m. Please allow for adequate time to travel to the City of Hope campus.

Gold Line Trains run every 12 minutes and stop directly at City of Hope in Duarte.

The Route
Walkers have the option to choose between the full 5K route and a shorter 2K route. Both routes wind through our beautiful City of Hope campus. Route Map Coming Soon!

Can I come to the event to cheer on family and friends even if I am not walking?
Yes, but please register for the event in order to attend!

How can I volunteer?
You can fill out the online volunteer form , call the Walk for Hope Team at or email  to find out more about volunteering for Walk for Hope.

Is the event wheelchair accessible?
Yes, the entire route will be wheelchair accessible.

Can I be a Walk for Hope corporate sponsor or have an exhibitor booth?
Yes. If you are interested in having material in our Walk Expo area or becoming a sponsor, please contact  or call the Walk for Hope Team at .

Can I register on event day?
Yes! However, we encourage you to register in advance to maximize your fundraising efforts.

How do I get my Walk for Hope T-shirt?
Walk for Hope T-shirts will be available for pick up at the Walk for Hope expo. Participants must have raised a minimum of $100.

Will there be refreshments and food at the event?
Yes, there will be water, produce and food trucks at the Walk for Hope expo.

Will there be restrooms available at Walk for Hope?
Yes, portable restrooms will be at the event venue.

No Pets Allowed
Service Dogs Only. No pets are permitted on the City of Hope campus in order to ensure the safety of our immune-compromised patients. Please leave your pets at home.

General Reminders
Don’t forget sunscreen, hats and comfortable shoes! And bring your camera! There will be a lot of great photo opportunities.